Reverend - Elect Jamar R. Suber

Reverend - Elect Jamar R. Suber
Founder of Complete Vision Ministries International

Friday, April 16, 2010

“Your not my father, your just the guy that got my mother pregnant”..(type 'o and all)

“You're not my father, you're just the guy that got my mother pregnant”..

Imagine hearing this from your child! This month, as I approach my ordination I have been reflecting over my life, this and many other statements ring in my ear as I reflect on the past. Having a child young and not understanding the magnitude of being a father leads to a lifetime of man constantly reminding you of who you use to be, and each time you don’t make their mark…the hurtful reminders continue. As I examine the last 15 years and embark on what God has setup ahead for me many tears flow but at the same time laughter and happy moments are present. I remember the happy times of becoming an 18 year old father and the times during the early years of fatherhood when I battled daily from becoming depressed.. The crazy thing is today an 18 year old father is common. In our high school there were only a hand full of us.. I am sure if you are reading this and you were one of them you can relate. The build up of child support arrears, not knowing and giving money straight to her, the court calling clothing gifts..the pain of having a child and not know where she was, the pain of not fulfilling my family expectations, the pain of not fulfilling my own expectations.. all of this turned me to walk down a path that man would try to hold me to even until this very day… I am writing this to tell you to fight! fight! fight!.. Shake off the old you and walk new, don’t let man hold you and keep you captive, your not crazy… You have been called, you have been selected to walk out God’s will in this earth… Did you make some bad decision Yes.. Did you do something’s that you know you shouldn’t have done Yes.. but do not allow that to stop you cold and hinder you from breaking forth and being all God has called you to be…

Am I still trying to pay off child support from back in the day YES.. Am I still praying for my daughters and I relationship to be restored YES… Will I allow man to tie me down to my past NO..

God is our redeemer all men are created new in Christ!
To shake that past we must press on..

Our ministry is founded on Philippians 3:12-14
“I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.” (The Message Bible)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

.. Laughter, tears, happiness and heartache are all part of the ups and downs in life. This blog will be a very transparent real life, real conversation platform concerning the valley experiences and mountain top celebrations living life can bring. From married to single male or female, children or childless we will discuss it all. My prayer for you is that when it is all said and done you know Jesus is Lord. He is in complete control and man does not determine who you are or what you are purposed to be.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

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